Stalker V2 Help!! Set the time? RFID Logger

Thank you very much mem, I was about to try adding some function to the RX8025 library that returns time_t so I could feed it to the Time library's setSyncProvider() but thankfully your library will save me from getting mauled by the compiler.

I just tried your code and it initialises the RX8025 fine, as well as reading from it. However, the Time library doesn't seem to like its get() for some bizarre reason. Here is my code:

#include <RTC.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <Wire.h>

void setup() {

if (RTC.begin()) Serial.println("Valid RTC device initialised");
else Serial.println("Problem initialising RTC");

Serial.println("Testing the two flavours of the RTC.get() function (should return time_t):");
Serial.print(" : ");



void loop() {

If I uncomment either line:


I get the following error:

error: invalid conversion from ‘time_t’ to ‘time_t (*)()’

which seems strange as, if you look at the DS1307RTC library (which works fine with the Time library) the get() is declared in the DS1307RTC.h (line 17) as follows:

static time_t get();

So, the expected return type is time_t. No idea, how the static is breaking things. Could you please post some sample code of registering your lib's get() function as a sync provider?