Library for LK404-25


I have an arduino uno/mega2560 connected to a parallel 40x4 LCD. So far so good.
But I want now to do it with a serial or I2C LCD, so I bought an Matrix Orbital LK404-25 40x4 Serial/I2C LCD.

Is there any library for this screen?

Is there any library for this screen?

I don't know the answer to your question but a good place to start would be with the search box in the upper right corner of this page.

Perhaps a better way would be using Google with the search restricted to the Arduino website. You do this by following your search term(s) with a space, then .


Is there any library for this screen?

Take out the datasheet and code to it.

Take out the datasheet and code to it.

That would be an appropriate answer for other sites such as avrfreaks. A large part of the intended audience for the Arduino consists of non technical types who depend upon folks like you and me to create the libraries that they use.


[Edit]: Speaking of avrfreaks (, a lot has changed there over the past few months. They have become more aware of the Arduino and especially of it's non-technical user base. They seem to be a lot more receptive to questions asked by the Arduino community than they were just a short while back.