Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino programming

I don't use Arduino boards or the IDE for serious projects. There are way better hardware and software options.

Using a Due with current Ardunio software should be compared to for instance using a RaspberryPI

For my use, RaspberryPI is a dud, mine is in a box in the garage.

Here is a board I like STM32-E407 - Open Source Hardware Board You get a 390ns context switch with STM32F4 and ChibiOS/RT.

I like systems like ChibiOS/RT with a HAL and support for tons of boards/processors.

If you think OOP is too larger step for the Arduino community then RTOS is "from here to eternity" :wink:

I agree, object-oriented threads are an ugly answer to real-time systems.

Current embedded systems research is looking for a better programming model. Progress is really slow.

The object-oriented model is good for data processing and not bad for GUI programming. Fortunately tablets/phones have an very smart component, a human, that puts up with all the warts and hiccups.

I have worked on control systems for the world's largest science experiments and object-oriented techniques just haven't delivered. 20 years ago I was an extreme fan of OO.