Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino programming

Thanks for the link, didn't know that lib. I will look into it.
I am currently testing a way for lightweight cooperative mutlitasking. Once I figured out how to do async time delays I can go to town on supporting other typical devices (I2C, LCD etc).

You are welcome. Here are a few links to Proto-threads which is a style of implementing coroutines. These are actually from the comment block in Cosa/Thread.hh, and

[1] Adam Dunkels et al, Protothreads: Simplifying Event-Driven Programming of Memory-Constrained Embedded Systems, SenSys'06, November 1-3, 2006, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
[2] Larry Ruane, protothread: An extremely lightweight thread library for GCC, Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.
[3] Protothread - Wikipedia

It is possible to avoid the "switch" problem by using gcc local labels and label address. The Cosa implementation is object-oriented and fully integrated with the Cosa periodic timer queue.
