timer interrupts

I want to use timer interrupts that are activated conditionally, and I'm trying to use the DueTimer library at GitHub - ivanseidel/DueTimer: ⏳ Timer Library fully implemented for Arduino DUE. I don't see examples about using detachInterrupt() and the Arduino command requires the pin number in the detachInterrupt() parentheses, so I don't understand how to stop the timer interrupt using detachInterrupt(). Thank you for any suggestions. :grin:

You just call timer.dettachInterrupt() to detach the handler from that
timer object. You can then re-attach later if you like, or whatever. Unlike
the Arduino attachInterrupt there is an object for each timer channel, not a
global object for all external interrupts, so no need to identify which channel.

A generalised question - I have been looking for a Due Timer library;
I s GitHub - ivanseidel/DueTimer: ⏳ Timer Library fully implemented for Arduino DUE the recommended or best timer library for due?
I didnt see any code or examples in it for driving or using pins, i.e timer attached pins.

Also, where do I find code for implementing counters on the Due? I.e for counting pulses on an input pin.

I think you might be the first wanting such a library - given that the Due
is a lot more flexible perhaps a Due-specific library is needed to make some of
the benefits of the timer/counter hardware easier to use.

A "libraries wanted" thread might be an idea, to complement the "libraries tested" one...

Hi, a GitHub user started some work on a fork of my DueTimer library: GitHub - pklaus/DueTimer: TimerCounter Library for Arduino DUE – Including code to use the TC in the Arduino Due as Counter, not Timer

I don't know if he completed it.

I'm currently working on a newer version of DueTimer, that will cal 'ArduinoTimer', and I (hope) to accomplish a Generic Timer class, that can work across multiple platforms. However, Arduino is going trough some changes on the Library patterns. I was waiting it to complete to start working on it.

The Idea is to have PWM, Counters (Virtuals and Physical), Timers and so on, all working with major Arduino Platforms.
