Time and TimeAlarms Libraries – Ask here for help or suggestions

A couple of folks earlier in the thread were wondering why the TimeGPS example didn't seem to be doing anything - I was too, until I spent a little while looking at it this evening. I've written it up over on my blog, but the basic problem is that the sketch invokes the sync provider function before any data has actually been received from the GPS, so there's never going to a suitable date/time at that point. However, because TinyGPS returns a value and the sketch doesn't validate it, it thinks that zero is a valid date value and that gets mapped to 31/12/1999. Job jobbed, date set, nothing more to do here then. Except that this means you don't see anything in the Serial Monitor window except "Waiting for GPS time ...".

I've added in some validation checks to the sketch and updated it to reference the SoftwareSerial libbrary instead of NewSoftSerial and it now works as expected. If anyone is maintaining the Time library and its examples, feel free to roll the code into the download version.

Cheers, Stu