Read text file

I'm a begineer, i've bought an arduino due which have 512kb of memory on the flash and i want to put a text file inside that flash which the size is 100kb, can anyone help me to find the right function to do that?

Thanx alot.

I'm a begineer, i've bought an arduino due which have 512kb of memory on the flash and i want to put a text file inside that flash which the size is 100kb, can anyone help me to find the right function to do that?

Thanx alot.

You could simply create a character array, like this:
char array_i_created[]="paste the contents of the file here";

Thank you for the support :slight_smile: but i want to use autopilot, i have generated the posisions (pitch,roll,yaw) in a matrix to send into the arduino and after that he sends that positions to the Razor IMU 9DOF, is there any solution to read the text directly like open("c:\test.txt",FILE_READ) thats what i want

Thanxxx alot