Proposal for a I/O API

The idea is to be able to use similar code wether you are writing to the uart, the EEPROM, a dataflash or an SD card.

It can be done but would it be worth the footprint it takes?? serious doubts.
It means for external EEPROM another layer e.g. around the I2C library costing extra scarce memory. For some applications it makes sense to do so, but not for all. Would it make (coding) life easier? doubt it seriously

imho an EEPROM is more like one big array! so why no array interface iso file interface? An SD card can have both an array interface (raw device) and a file interface.

my serial out cannot be rewind() so the 'file pattern' breaks quite fast.

I prefer every type of device its own interface, then I recognize them at least in the code :slight_smile: