Using GY-521 Accelerometer + Gyro


Thanks for the MPU6050 sketch, I have it up and running on my Arduino. I am looking at the sketch more closely now, and was wondering what all of the definitions at the beginning of the sketch are used for. Do they correspond to inherent properties of the MPU6050 and you are defining them here, or are they there to be used later in code? I saw how the register addresses correspond to the addresses in the MPU6050 register map, but am curious about how the other definitions are used. For example is defining MPU6050_AFS_SEL_2G setting some sensitivity to the device? Because many of the constants aren't used again in the sketch I'm wondering if the definitions have some direct effect on the chip. If you know of other documentation for the MPU6050 other than the product specifications and the register map that may also help.

Thank you!