New MCP23017 library!

Thanks PaulS
However you are speaking to me like I wrote the library and that I know everything about it - this is not the case. I got it from this post, hence me posting here asking the question.

I'm not sure why you can't understand what the message is telling you

  • because not all people seem to be as clued up with this as you obviously.

I appriciate you posting and helping, however the tone at which your help comes is offensive. This is a forum for people to learn, and obviously not everyone understands every problem that is encountered. Getting a response like yours while is helpful isnt a very nice way to help someone who doesnt understand the problem.

At this point, we don't (you might, but we don't) know what that class is, or what the possible overloads are.

how would I deffinitely know this when its not my library I am attempting to run? All the code for the library is pasted above by the writer, so you have the same info as me.

As far as I know, this is the offending function:

void MCP23017::writeRegister(int regAddress, word data) {

And from what I have read in the reference section, highbyte() and lowbyte() take a word and return a byte. And from what I can see of the wire library (Arduino - Home), there is a wire.send to suit a byte input.
value: a byte to send (byte)

This is about as far as my knowledge goes - hence the post.

If I knew the asnwer I wouldnt post now would I?

Thanks for the reply, but cut the attitude toward people who dont know as much would you - its a learning forum.