which servo would be suitable

DB has made a lot of cool robots. He's kind of The Original Mr. Roboto. For background
information, you can also take a look at the lynxmotion site. They have a number of
walkers shown, and the Brat style is relatively simple to build from scratch.


Adding to what cr0sh said, the big thing with walkers is, you need strong servos, and
the more joints in a leg and the longer the legs are, the stronger they need to be. The
robot has to carry its frame and also its batteries. This is the most serious issue - some
people get carried away with making fancy frames out of aluminum/etc, and then the
servos can't lift it up. In addition, as the #of joints multiplies, the complexity of the gait
software goes up "much" faster.

cr0sh already has you thinking of things that can keep you occupied for the next 4 or
5 walkers down the road, ;-). The best thing is to start simple, and learn a lot, and use
that knowledge to springboard to the next walker.