I want to change a LCD from 16x2 to 8x2 please to question

Well, I am very new in electronics and arduino please help.

Rightnow, I am well with using 16x2 with arduino but the 16x2 is seem too big for my project.

I plan to change from 16x2 to 8x2. Do I need to change my code that work with 16x2 ? Does it the same code same library to use with 8x2?

Thanks in advance

Very little needs to be changed. Assuming that it has the same 16 pins, in the setup type lcd.begin(8, 2); instead of lcd.begin(16, 2);. Same applies for larger lcds as well (just change the numbers in the parenthesis to the size of lcd being used) if they have the same 16 pins.

Thank you very much :slight_smile: