Please help me with my 8x8 led matrix!

I tried to follow this project–-chapter-nine/

and it worked very well when i just used the arduino code in the tronixstuff website. But what I was going to do is that after I finish this project, i tried to use the processing with arduino, just like this project

So I did wire, connection all that just like in the tronixstuff website, and then I put the arduino code in the bryanchung's website to my project after i changed pin number(latch,gnd,data all that), the lights blink similarily with the bryanchung website, but only half of the led matrix blink. Please see the pics that I attached

Is there anybody who can help me with this? TT

That's usually a sign of a wiring error, or maybe something like a variable name error or pin assignment error in the code.
Go thru the wiring very carefully and ensure that all is correct.

I checked it twice... but everything look okay....


If connecting wires have problem, the code has problem?