How to control very very really very high currents with arduino?

Depends on what you mean by 'manage'. If you just need to be able to measure the current I think there might be hall effect current sensors that can measure that range of currents and give you a simple DC measurement voltage proportional to the current flow. If you mean to turn on and off or regulate the actual current flow then that is another matter all together. One could use very high current rated relay contacts if just switching on or off that level of current, although the size of relay would probably be pretty massive. There are some IGBT high current transistors rated at that kind of current, and of course one could parallel several high current/power MOSFETS to get that kind of current control. Pretty demanding application, I would look around and see what other people and firms have used to perform that task first I think.


My work is to get a steady current flow from the battery of diferent currents until 100A, to see the behaviour of the voltage trough the discharge of the battery. So I'll use feedback to the arduino to regulate the current flow. So, the FET or MOSFET or Relay or wathever is the key to controll the exact current flow that I need using PWM and arduino. I hope this explication will be useful to understand the idea :slight_smile: and thanks for your answer