++ SOLVED ++array label question

I'm thinking your sketch needs to look more like this. I moved the bit that outputs into the loop. You had it outside with index set to a value that was out of range for your array.

char *switchPinNames[] = {
"Red switch", "Green switch", "Yellow switch"};
char *ledPinNames[] = {
"Red", "Green", "Yellow"};
int inputPins[] = {
2,3,4,5}; // create an array of pins for switch inputs
int ledPins[] = {
10,11,12,13}; // create array of output pins for LEDs

void setup()

for(int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
pinMode(ledPins[index], OUTPUT); // declare LED as output
pinMode(inputPins[index], INPUT); // declare pushbutton as input
digitalWrite(inputPins[index],HIGH); // enable pull-up resistors
//(see Recipe 5.2)

void loop(){
for(int index = 0; index < 4; index++)

if(digitalRead(inputPins[index]) == HIGH)
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], HIGH);
Serial.print(" is pressed, so the ");
Serial.println(" LED was turned on");

digitalWrite(ledPins[index], LOW); // turn LED off

The value of index is what points to the desired element in your array.