Temp Sensor does not get reasonable result

my code as following:

byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
byte ip[] = { 10,10,102,160 };
unsigned int localPort = 8012;

int sensorPin_Light = A0;
int sensorValue_Light = 0;

int sensorPin_Temp = A1;
int sensorValue_Temp = 0;
char sensorValue_Temp_Char[2] ; 

byte remoteIP[] = { 10,10,102,133 };
int remotePort = 58121;	// the destination port

void setup() {

void loop() {
  sensorValue_Light = analogRead(sensorPin_Light);
  sensorValue_Temp = analogRead(sensorPin_Temp);
  //udp packet can have max 160 bits for data.
  char udp_content[20] ; 
  //four char is used for every integer's digital whose max value is 1024, and end with ','
  char sensorValue_Light_Char[5] ; 
  itoa (sensorValue_Light, sensorValue_Light_Char, 10);
  char sensorValue_Temp_Char[5] ; 
  itoa (sensorValue_Temp, sensorValue_Temp_Char, 10);

  strcpy (udp_content,sensorValue_Light_Char);
  strcat (udp_content,",");
  strcat (udp_content,sensorValue_Temp_Char);
  strcat (udp_content,",");

  Udp.sendPacket(udp_content, remoteIP, remotePort );

how i connect the lm35:
5v for power, GND line connect with GND pin and analog in 1 for temperature.
PS. meanwhile, I also use a light intensity sensor with A0.