Arduino Due libraries (official and 3rd party)

AccelStepper.h for stepper control of position, speed and acceleration:

DueFlashStorage for the use of flash memory, read and write:

UTFT.h for display lcd, tested with 7" display cte70:
WARNING: the functions with RGB on the parameters reverse the R with B so it uses BGR. So to solve the problem you have to modify the library function. Remember that the rgb color are saved in a word build like that
so use this code for the reversing

temp1=( (col>>8) & 0x07) | ( ( (col & 0xff) & 0x1f)<<3);
temp2=( (col & 0xff) & 0xE0) | ( ( (col>>8) &  0xf8)>>3);

then unificate temp1 and temp2 in a single word

UTouch.h for control of a touch screen.
NOTE: pins used are "Clock,Chip Select,Digital in,Digital out,Irq"