LCD and Enclosure.

Very good point about the difference between reality and a datasheet for an enclosure. For me to get the box I was linking too I'll have to order it which means shipping fees and a nice long wait.

I have the seeedstudio LCD too. It was my original request that he stock them ;). I'm thinking a few mm off will look pretty crappy in the box though.

What trouble are you having getting it to work? It's working for me, but I had to modify the time delays in the arduino liquidcystal library (the problem was with the library, not the display). I had a horribly frustrating time where it would work once in a while, but 95% of the time would never initialize.

I am having trouble with the 60mm red-green 8x8 matrix display though. I've only tested by directly connecting to the LEDs, through a resistor of course, and the brightness is very, very dim.