discussion on supporting the TI CC3000 WiFi module

Hi magagna, I have some news! I get it working easily! In the arduino pro micro, the pin 2 is interrupt 1, so i have a bad pin configuration. My configuration is now as follows:

#define WLAN_CS			10		// Arduino pin connected to CC3000 WLAN_SPI_CS

#define WLAN_EN			9		// Arduino pin connected to CC3000 VBAT_SW_EN

#define WLAN_IRQ		2		// Arduino pin connected to CC3000 WLAN_SPI_IRQ

#define WLAN_IRQ_INTNUM	        1		// The attachInterrupt() number that corresponds

After that, the initialization process is done correctly:

Waiting on you before starting...

Transmit buffer is 119 bytes
Receive buffer is 119 bytes

Initializing CC3000...
CC3000 is initialized
Version of the CC3000 is: 4.0

I will try new commands to start connecting to the internet =)

Good job!