[MOD] Arduino Enhanced Release 1.0.5 for Windows (installer, drivers, etc) +SRC

So there it is,

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\Arduino ERW 1.0.1i

Can you open putty or some serial monitor pointing to COM7 and the Leonardo RX, TX leds light up?

I see in your file:

Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port COM7
PORTS {COM7, } / {COM7, } => {}
PORTS {COM7, } / {COM7, } => {}
PORTS {COM7, } / {COM7, } => {}
PORTS {COM7, } / {COM7, } => {}
PORTS {COM7, } / {COM7, } => {}
PORTS {COM7, } / {COM7, } => {}
PORTS {COM7, } / {COM7, } => {}
PORTS {COM7, } / {COM8, } => {COM8, }
Found Leonardo upload port: COM8

So it seems the leonardo does something different. I don't have that board to test, but I will check the IDE code to see what is the original IDE doing. It seems windows reports COM7 as the leonardo com, but there is a routine in the IDE to detect the port if the leonardo is not responding.