envoi de données midi par un touchpad!

voila le code de l'ecran:
// vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
// Touch panel wiring
// Connect to Arduino these wires (used to drive power)
#define Lo 2 // LEFT to digital output 2
#define Bo 3 // BOTTOM to digital output 3
#define Ro 4 // RIGHT to digital output 4
#define To 5 // TOP to Digital output 5

// Connect to Arduino these wires (used to read the touch position)
#define Ti 0 // TOP also to analog input 3
#define Ri 1 // RIGHT also to analog input 4

#define LED 13 // LED event
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

// vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
// current touched
int touchX = 0;
int touchY = 0;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

void setup()
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

void loop()
if (touched())
Serial.print(" Y=");

digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);


// return TRUE if touched, and coords in touchX and touchY
boolean touched()
boolean touch = false;

// Horizontal routine - set L to gnd and R to Vcc
// set L = ground
pinMode(Lo, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Lo, LOW);
// set R = Vcc
pinMode(Ro, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Ro, HIGH);
// T e B high impedance (input mode)
pinMode(To, INPUT);
pinMode(Bo, INPUT);
// wait a bit, then read from Top
touchX = analogRead(Ti);

// Vertical routine - set T to gnd and B to Vcc
// Set B = Vcc
pinMode(Bo, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Bo, LOW);
// set T = gnd
pinMode(To, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(To, HIGH);
// R e L high impedance (input mode)
pinMode(Ro, INPUT);
pinMode(Lo, INPUT);
// wait a bit, then read from Right
touchY = analogRead(Ri);

// Only if coords are below 1000
if(touchX < 1000 and touchY < 1000)
touch = true;

return touch;

int sensorPin = A3; // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int ledPin = 10; // select the pin for the LED
int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

// declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT: