Airsoft Intel box using LCD and Menubackend.h library's

This is far from complete but it is taking shape. I decided to share it at the stage because i figured it is a good place for beginners to figure out how exactly this library works.. i found it on this post. Im not sure exactly what version it is.,38053.0.html

menu library: Arduino Playground - HomePage

The zip file will contain the initial version of Menubackend.h

My version is not much different at all the only main difference is that i implemented some momentary buttons to start browsing the menu. And instead of printing the menu to the serial monitor it is now print to the 16x2 lcd also I left the comments and details that the original author wrote as it explains a lot of great information. I am aware that its probably not the most efficient but its working for what I need. I also started setting some variables that will be needed to make the device work. Im a duinoNoob for sure so be gentle. XD

here is a demonstration video.

If anybody can give me some direction on how to make it look cleaner that would be a great help.

The code was too big to paste here so i went to pastbin.