* MP3 Shield * - Rogue Robotics rMP3



Sorry, I have just looked back and seen that I pasted the wrong code, I just pasted yours, oops.

I was using your code as a base for mine.

I think I have got to a point where it should be analysing the code, but I am not sure as to what each part of your original code actually does. I have tried to edit it with the code to play from the folder /mp3/ and the audio is not playing, but have had a version where it did only play my song gold.mp3.

From what I can tell from your code, mine should now be analysing for 3 different bands, and sending it back to the arduino. My problem is now, I am not sure how to change this from the lcd output, to just have a different arduino output turned "on" when each frequency returned.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <RogueMP3.h>
#include <RogueSD.h>

SoftwareSerial rmp3_s(6, 7);
RogueMP3 rmp3(rmp3_s);
RogueSD filecommands(rmp3_s);
uint16_t bandfreqs[] = {  120,  2000,  20000 };
uint16_t numfiles = 0;
#define MP3PATH "/mp3/"
// you need to put the two double quotes ("") in the middle below,
// because the Arduino IDE looks for unclosed comments.
#define MP3FILTER "/mp3/""*.mp3"

void doFREQSpec(void)
  // prepare for up to 3 bands
  uint8_t v[3];

void setup(void)
  Serial.println("Starting sync");
  Serial.println("Done sync");

void playTrack(void)
  char mp3path[128];
// ...
  rmp3.setspectrumanalyzer(bandfreqs, 10);

void loop(void)

Currently my code is stuck on the syncing. I will keep trying to get this working with the folder, but as a failsafe, I have it working with a single track.

Is there a specific part of the documentation that I can read, or a direction you can point me in on how to translate this back to an arduino output?

