Reading input from potentiometer

Change this part of what I provided to be array based:

lookupArray[] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,8,8,8,8,16,16,16,16,32,32,32,32 ... ending with 255,};
Make the values the logarithmic sweep that you want. I'd use excel to find what those are.

You can make 255 values long, and use this to look up the result to display:
byte displayValue = lookupArray[(analogRead(5)>>2)]; // read pot on A5, divide by 4, then look up logarithmic mapping

Or make it 1023 entries long and use this:
byte displayValue = lookupArray[analogRead(5)]; // read pot on A5, then look up logarithmic mapping

Either way the result is 00 to FF
display the left half on one display, the right half on a second display.

Continue as posted previously:

rightDigit = displayValue & 0x0F; // data is now in bit positions 0 to 3
leftDigit =( displayValue & 0xF0)>>4; // moveĀ  bits into bit positions 0 to 3