CSV file read stops after 9 lines?

void loop(){
  if (Serial.available()){
    inbyte = Serial.parseInt();// check for comma separated data
    data[counter] = inbyte;
    if (Serial.available() && Serial.read() ==  '\n'){  // end of line test
      data[counter] = inbyte;
      counter = 0;

You have a number of naming issues. inbyte is not a byte.

You use parseInt() to get an int value, that you store in an int called inbyte. You store inbyte in the array and increment the index.

Then, if there is serial data (and there likely will be because something caused parseInt() to stop reading), and if that character is a carriage return, you store the last int received in the array again.

Why is that?

The issue I have encountered is that the whole thing stops after the 9th relay.

You'll need to elaborate on this. Does the RX led continue to blink while you are diddling with the relays? Does the file contain data for 9 relays in consecutive order? Does changing the order matter?

Does the sending application keep sending data while you aren't paying attention, and the serial buffer simply overflows and discards all the extra data?