Blocking Blues: TWI, Serial and SPI together

It only does receive and doesn't actually put the last character into the buffer until the next one is received, but it doesn't block!

For GPS, I'm using the SkyNav SKM53 ($30 on ebay, including shipping!) on a prototyping board from Radio Shack, cut down to Arduino size. It accommodates the GPS, tilt-compensated LSM303 Compass (SparkFun, with added 1.8v to 5v level shifters), L293D Motor Controller, as well as connections for several distance sensors and a quadrature rotary encoder. And, of course, the SPI WiFi.

The GPS works great, easily acquiring a signal at my indoor workbench, next to the EMI-noisy computer.

It is to make all these things work smoothly together that I'm interested in non-blocking libraries.

Next: a master-only, non-blocking TWI Wire library, and then I'll come back and pretty-up NBSerial.