MENWIZ: yet another character lcd menu wizard library

I've coded a dummy var into the menu to support a 'very' variable containing a current version.

I've also set a #define of D_VERSION as a comparison.

Now, on start I declare all my variables, without values, and a corresponding #define D_ value as the default.

I then set the menu structure up and do a readEeprom. From here I check to see if ver and D_VERSION are equal. If they aren't then I run a loadDefaults() function that assigns all the D_values to the corresponding variables and then does a writeEeprom to set the defaults in EEPROM.

Now, this should mean that on the next reset the 'ver' loaded from EEPROM is the same as D_VERSION and the loadDefaults() doesn't run.

This never seems to work though and defaults are always loaded. It's like the Eeleom is being written too.

A friend said he had a similar issue when using the standard EEPROM library and it was only. Heed when he wait he'd to EEPROMEx.

EEPROMEx has an update() method where it will check the contents of each address and only update if the data has changed.

I need to debug the issue I'm getting anyway, but I'm thinking of trying to modify the library to use EEPROMEx (it's backwards compatible with EEPROM library) and soecifically the writeEeeprom method to actually use the update method In EepromEx library to save wear on the EEPROM.