should Compilers should be given personalities?

You're refering to abuse from Their programs, which yeah I got past that maybe... umm what year is this? 1995 learning GFA BASIC and Pascal at the same time, then I dabbled with C got a city and guilds certificate in that, very boring they had me write some code for a coffee maker? it was amazingly dull and boring.

back oh yeah, 1999 I found out about this new IDE called Delphi, drag and drop like VB but now in Pascal! whoooooo I still use it, it's perfect for knocking up quick easy power apps.

2 years ago probably I started looking at Arduino, but only had to program when I could not do it hardware side i just got a batch of PLL's...

edit... got dragged away, daughter was in pain with cramp had to call the doctor, then is she this is she that, any blood, temperature, i hate answering a million questions.

but, if Compilers had personalities, that would be so much fun, i'd laugh everytime it told me to fix something, i'd probably write MORE software :slight_smile: