NewPing Library: HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, Parallax PING))) - v1.7

The fact that the sensors are not accurate is imho no argument to use math that adds additional errors. The relative errors add up.
That said, I agree with you that most applications do not need this level of accuracy.


If you want to use floating point values, more power to you, go for it! NewPing FULLY supports doing this. YOU have the ability to change the US_ROUNDTRIP_CM and US_ROUNDTRIP_IN values to whatever you want, or use ping() and do any other calculations you wish factoring in temperature, altitude, humidity, etc.

The fact is, my integer values are typically more accurate than when people try to over complicate things by using floating point values in attempts to get more accurate values. But, if you're in search for the holy grail of ultrasonic measurement, use ping() and apply your magic formula.

This is NOT something that will be added to NewPing as it's outside the scope of the library to be any more accurate than it is now. Because, to be more accurate you'd need a thermometer, and apply your own formula. So, while this is a fine topic, it shouldn't be here as it will never be added to NewPing. Heck, there's debate on the speed of sound, I'm just staying out of the fight.

Topic closed.