Interfacing Arduino with SSD1325 OLED

Does anyone know of a Arduino-compatible library for OLED controller SSD1325? I'm trying to interface a New Havens 128X64 2.7 inch OLED with an Arduino Mega2560. Has anyone gotten it to work with an Arduino before?


This thread mentioned one, but the RS links dead.

Could ask there for a repost of the library there.

Thank you! That thread is read-only. So, I've e-mailed JKW who posted the link. I'll post the code here if i get it! :wink:

I'd love to know this also please. :slight_smile:



I am working on a new graphics lib for the Arduino IDE. A first beta release is online, which supports the NHD 2.7 12864 OLED with SSD1325 controller.

There is not much documentation at the moment... :roll_eyes:
And the lib only supports black/white mode for the SSD1325 :~

Download and place the zip file into the libraries folder of the Arduino 1.0 file structure. Unzip the archive and restart the IDE. You should see the HelloWorld example for U8glib.

... let me know if you find bugs or if there are any questions


Have anyone verified that the "Set Contrast Current (81h)" command works?

No matter what I set it to (1-127), there is no change in brightness. I've been trying things like long delays before and after the command, with no luck. Here is part of the code:

  display_command(0x81);  //Contrast setting
  display_command(0x01);  //1 to 0x7F
  display_command(0x84);  //Quarter range current
  display_command(0xA8); //Multiplex ratio
  display_command(0x3F);   //All visible rows

Any thoughts on why it doesn't work?

The device is a RiTdisplay P19401. I'm using the SPI interface.


I have added a set contrast command to u8glib (not in the release yet, but on the repo). It works with my NHD 128x64 OLED (SSD1325). The effect is most visible with full current range (0x086) and very bright pixel values (corresponding gray scale table entry should be at maximum).

Regarding u8glib, I did my tests with this code:


Edit: U8glib is released, documentation is online, 4 levels grayscale supported for the SSD1325.

Thank you! I can see the difference now. I was using quarter range current, and also pretty dim values, which made it hard to see any difference.