Answered: Does anyone know how to address character map of a 16x2 LCD?

Does anyone know how to address character map of a 16x2 LCD?

I forgot to answer this question.

(1) Find the character that you want to display on the character map. I will use the 'ohm' symbol (fifth down in the right column).
(2) Use the binary number at the top of the column ( 1 1 1 1 ) for the high bits.
(3) Use the binary number at the left of the row ( 0 1 0 0 ) for the low bits.
(4) The resulting 'ASCII' code is 11110100 in binary or F4 in hex. It is also 244 in decimal, which is an awful way to define the character (go to the link above to find out why).
(5) Use this number in your favorite function to display the ohm symbol.
