Moving a servo between 2 points

I am thinking the pot inside the first servo I used was misaligned, telling the servo shaft to go past the stop to reach the desired degrees. The servo was absolutely defective, it was doing stupid stuff with another code that I know works.


Strangely, you can do a "Servo.write" before you do a "Servo.attach" to set the start "angle".

I will play with this idea when I get home, could be really useful for future projects.



All that does is to declaire a variable you have to use it in setup to send the servo to that position, then put in a bit of a delay so it gets there, befor loop tells it to go some place else.

Yeah, that's what I thought it was supposed to do, but it didn't seem to be working, was the way I inserted it in my code wrong?

Thanks again for both of your help,
I will play with these some more then start learning about and playing with my new XBees, don't worry, not related to my other Theoretical question post =P,103923.0.html