Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino programming

The latest Cosa update includes porting and configuration of the Arduino-Makefile GitHub - sudar/Arduino-Makefile: Makefile for Arduino sketches. It defines the workflows for compiling code, flashing it to Arduino and even communicating through Serial.. This allows simple build using "traditional" make files. To get started simply configure the build template with your Arduino installation path (Cosa/ at master · mikaelpatel/Cosa · GitHub) and write a three line makefile in the same directory as the sketch.

COSA_DIR = $(HOME)/Sketchbook/hardware/Cosa
BOARD_TAG = duemilanove
include $(COSA_DIR)/build/

The COSA_DIR variable is the path of the Cosa installation. The BOARD_TAG is the type of board to build the sketch for. The possible board tags are:

miniwireless		Cosa Anarduino MiniWireless (ATmega328/BOOT_168)
duemilanove		Cosa Arduino Duemilanove (ATmega328/BOOT_168)
leonardo		Cosa Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32U4/Caterina)
mega			Cosa Arduino Mega (ATmega2560/STK500v2)
nano			Cosa Arduino Nano (ATmega328/BOOT_168)
pro-micro		Cosa Arduino Pro Micro (ATmega32U4/Caterina)
pro-mini		Cosa Arduino Pro Mini (ATmega328/BOOT_168)
pro-mini-8		Cosa Arduino Pro Mini (ATmega328/BOOT_168, 3.3V, 8 MHz)
uno			Cosa Arduino Uno (ATmega328/Optiboot)
attiny84-8		Cosa Breadboard (ATtiny84, 8 MHz internal clock)
attiny85-8		Cosa Breadboard (ATtiny85, 8 MHz internal clock)
attiny861-8		Cosa Breadboard (ATtiny861, 8 MHz internal clock)
atmega328-8		Cosa Breadboard (ATmega328, 8 MHz internal clock)
mighty			Cosa Breadboard (ATmega1284/BOOT_1284P)
mighty-opt		Cosa Breadboard (ATmega1284/Optiboot)
lilypad			Cosa LilyPad Arduino (ATmega328/BOOT_168, 8 MHz)
lilypad-usb		Cosa LilyPad Arduino USB (ATmega32U4/Caterina, 8 MHz)
moteino			Cosa LowPowerLab Moteino (ATmega328/DualOptiboot)
microduino-core		Cosa Microduino-Core (ATmega328/Optiboot)
microduino-core32u4	Cosa Microduino-Core32u4 (ATmega32U4/Caterina)
microduino-core-plus	Cosa Microduino-Core+ (ATmega644P/Optiboot)
pinoccio		Cosa Pinoccio Scout (ATmega256RFR2/STK500v2)
teensy-2_0		Cosa Teensy 2.0 (ATmega32U4/halfkay)
teensypp-2_0		Cosa Teensy++ 2.0 (AT90USB1286/halfkay)

Build, upload and monitor the sketch with the following command.

make upload monitor

The Cosa Arduino-Makefile uses as serial monitor. The exit command is CTRL-ALT GR ]

Build for another board by either changing the BOARD_TAG in the Makefile or simply giving the command:

make "BOARD_TAG=uno"

More details in the Cosa/build directory and on the original Arduino-Makefile site. Please see the example makefiles in the CosaBlink and CosaBenchmarkPins directories.
