Vex Ultrasonic Range Finder

I have hooked up the sensor (see the image) and written some very bare bones code. Essentially all the code really does is set pin 13 high for a short period of time and then polls pin 10. Pin 10 goes high instantly (for three cycles of the loop) and then stays low forever. I expected pin 10 to be low initially and then go high for a very short period of time and then low again.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?

Uses the Vex Range Finder in conjunction with 
Arduino Mega 2560
Pin 13 Triggers the Pulse (Yellow lead)
Pin 10 Recieves the Echo  (Orange lead)

const int pulse_pin =  13;   // pin for triggering pulse
const int echo_pin = 10;     // pin for recieving echo
int pulse_state ; // 0 (no pulse recieved) 1 (pulse recieved)
int port_10_value;

void setup() {
  Serial.println ("Starting");
  // initialize the pulse pin as output:
  pinMode(pulse_pin, OUTPUT);      
  // initialize the echo_pin pin as an input:
  pinMode(echo_pin, INPUT);     
  //test code to be removed

void loop(){
   pulse_state = 0;
    port_10_value = 0;
    digitalWrite(pulse_pin, LOW);

    digitalWrite(pulse_pin, HIGH); // send the pulse
    digitalWrite(pulse_pin, LOW);  //wait and shut it down

    Serial.println("in main loop");
   while (pulse_state==0)
      port_10_value = digitalRead (echo_pin);
      Serial.println("port 10 value");
      // will stay here forever because pulse_state is not changed