350Mhz RF Remote. I know there is 315mhz and 433mhz.

I tried your code again and recieve many Press the light toggle switch's still.

int inpin = 2; // makes the input pin pin 2
int outpin = 3; // makes the output pin pin 3
int logpin = 13;  // makes the logpin pin 13
byte state = 0;
byte light_toggle;
byte fan_toggle;
byte value;
#define maxStates 6 //if there will be six steps total

// the setup routine runs once
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
  pinMode(inpin, INPUT);  // makes inpin the input pin
  pinMode(outpin, OUTPUT);  // makes outpin the output pin
  pinMode(logpin, INPUT); //makes logpin input for button
  digitalWrite(logpin, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors

void loop(){


    case 0:
	Serial.print("Press the light toggle switch");
    case 1:
	light_toggle = value;
	Serial.print("Light toggle command is: ");
        Serial.println(light_toggle, DEC);
        state++; //we have to increment the state here since no interrupt


void interrupt(){
 state = state++; //increments the state counter
 //....do normal interrupt code here

 if(state > maxStates) state = 0; //reset the state counter

what is normal interrupt code? is that what was in my void loop before? I did have to add ;s on the end of all the state = state++ inorder to get it to compile. Maybe that changed something?

I hooked up a pushbutton to pin 13, so that it would print binary code to the serial monitor only when I pressed the button. So if I press both buttons at the same time, it prints binary to the screen. Otherwise it goes to the transmitter. I tried then putting that code into multiple digital writes, but it didn't work.

digitalWrite(outpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(outpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(outpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(outpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(outpin, LOW);

Sadly, I'm coming to think that this project lies outside the realm of my abilities; even with the help of a more advanced, and kindhearted home automation enthusiast. Time to take more programming classes.