database communication internet

Good afternoon,

Next, I'm almost a week reading articles and publications and simply not found what I want.
To facilitate understanding, I need a variable to be sent to the arduino for a database on the Internet.
Limitations: no direct communication with the computer (the Arduino will be powered by a source and communicate via the ethernet shield)

Given this:

  • The classic php that creates a communication via socket will not work;
  • The html dynamically created arduino's works, but there is no way to save data;

Possible solution:

Does anyone know how to do this, or has done something similar?

Thank you, I put my hand to share information about it.
Sorry for my english.
Big hug.

You can have the Arduino-as-client issue a GET request, invoking a PHP script that stores data in a database. I know, because I do just that.

  if (client.connect())
    // Make a HTTP request:
    client.println("GET /pub/getValue.php?ID=2 HTTP/1.0");
    // kf you didn't get a connection to the server:
    Serial.println("connection failed");

The getValue.php script is located in the pub folder on the web server. The data of interest is ID=2. The script accesses a MySQL database to get a value from a table with a column called ID. The column contains the value 2. Another column contains the value of interest.

The php script looks like:

require_once 'library/functions.php';

	include 'library/config.php';
	include 'library/opendb.php';

//	foreach($_GET as $key=>$value)
//	{
//		echo "<p>GET: $key = [$value]</p>";
//	}

	$id = $_GET['ID'];
	$valueQuery = "SELECT value FROM beer.tags WHERE ID = $id";
//	echo "<p>Query: $valueQuery</p>";
	$valueResult = mysql_query($valueQuery);
		$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($valueResult);
		$value = $row['value'];
		echo "$value";
	include 'library/closedb.php';

You can easily change what the script does to store data, instead. If you need help, ask.

Seriously what is it? Hell, I imagined something much more complex. I will implement it and post a return. Thank you!!!