Can 5V be put into an analog pin with 1.1v ref. ?

I want to make a circuit for PWM control, i have a hand controller that will be controlling it and I think the easiest way to get good linearity is to put a larger resistor in series, the resistance of the controler is 0-60 ohms, with with a 1K resistor in series the resistance total would vary by 6% so would stay pretty linear, this would mean very poor resolution though so ideally I'd need to power the two from a higher voltage to get the voltage range up - or drop the measured range to match the outputted range. 1.1V ref with 5V supply is a good starter point. But it means that when the 0-60 resistor becomes disconnected which it does with the trigger at rest the ful 5V would go into the micro, will this be a problem with the micro powered from 5V ?

No problem putting 5V into an analogue pin no matter what the referance, it will however read 1203 1023 like all voltages above the reference.

two digits swapped - 1023 (0x3FF)

going off the scale is part of my plan 8)

It is not off the scale it is the top of the scale.

well 5V is off the scale for a 1.1Vref and will give 1023 by default so I'll take anything over 1000 as my mark