Arduino Due Mini/Nano

I guess that since Masssimo Banzi did not mention the topic of if there was a Due Mini/Nano officially in the works at the present time, then there probalby is not.

I had seen the Teensy 3.0 already at the time I first made this post, and that was why I naturally asked if there were any plans for an "Official" Arduino version with mor guaranteed future Software and hardware support.

As far as the Due Mega+ (Giga?) size factor goes, I will probalby only ever buy one for prototyping and so on. A Due Mini on the other hand more like 3+ for all those flying, walking, roling, swiming things where size/weight is definetely an issue. Never mind all the wearable and hideable stuff.

To CrossRoads:

Start writing up some requiremets, I'm sure it can be reduced to a smaller size.

  • desired size
  • desired power sourcing
  • desired pinouts
  • desired headers
  • desired built-in interfacing
  • etc.

Size: Same as the mini, Perhaps 4 to 8 Pins longer. Just as wide with perhaps a second parallel auter row of pins. I would prefer a rectangular board over a square one. More perimeter to surface area.
Headers: Suggestion: Male headers down for breadboard compatibility, Female headers up for additional pins.
Power sourcing/Interface: USB, Battery 5 to 15V, FTDI would be OK too.
Pinouts: 1.5 to double the amount of the pins on the Mini.

As to which pins... thats where the fun begins. Suggestions? I don't think there will be a please all solution here with all the available capabilities.