multiple maxbotix LVEZ on one UNO?


My mistake, I mentioned the EN pin, but I meant BW pin.

When the sensors are chained together (read the app note I referenced, also described below), You only need to use one control pin on the arduino to drive however many sensors you have chained together. Each sensor will take 49msec to do a ranging, but the real nice thing about these sensors, especially analog output, is that you can read the result at any time, and it will be the most recent measurement. So in my code, I tickle the sensor array ONCE, then just read the analog pins no more frequently than 50msec (or whatever).

For chaining, you connect the arduino's control pin (whichever one you pick) to the first sensor's RX pin. Then connect the first sensor's TX pin to the second sensor's RX pin. Repeat this for however many sensors you have. Then the last sensor's TX pin is looped back to the first sensor's RX pin through a 1K resistor. On each sensor, the BW is indeed tied to +5V.

The downside to chaining N resistors is that the frequency you can check each sensor goes down. One sensor is 1/49msec, two is 1/98msec, ... 1/(N*49msec). Or roughly, 20Hz, 10Hz, 7Hz, 5Hz, etc.


You can certainly trigger two sensors with the same arduino control pin. BUT, it depends on how the sensors are arranged on your gadget, and in what environment they are used. I'm building a 4WD rover for long-distance outdoor use, and I could conceivably trigger sensor arrays on the front and rear simultaneously. If this was used indoors, no way.

I've only been using the analog signalling because that's so easy. However, if I were to use PWM output, then I'd most likely run that through an interruptable pin so my main code doesn't have to block waiting for the signal.