Updating 16u2 USB firmware

I just want make sure no blue smoking or destruction of my DUE... with the issue of 5V versus 3.3V !

Please confirm that I just build a 6 wires ribbon to connect directly my MEGA's 6 pins ICSP connector to my DUE's 6 pins ICSP connector.

Via that ribbon, only +5V, GND, SCK, Slave, MOSI and MISO related to SPI protocol.

Of course, I'll power my MEGA via USB connection of my Macintosh but how about my DUE, should it be powered or just receiving energy via its ICSP ?

P.S. I've been able to download Crosspack CrossPack - A Development Environment for Atmel’s AVR Microcontrollers running OK on my Macintosh, still not clear on my side how to properly sequence different actions of MEGA ICSP sketch, learning curve here since i'm more software guy than hardware. For example, i don't understand how via ICSP sketch one can download the HEX file firmware provided by cmaglie !