add ability to write to EEPROM


I think, ...

Declaration's of eeprom_read_byte (const uint8_t *addr) look wrong with tionuint8 (BYTE) for type of addr.

I have made some functions to read/write from/to eeprom.

void eeprom_wr_byte (unsigned int const * ptr, byte val)
  register byte sreg; 

  sreg = SREG; 
  while ( EECR & (1 << EEWE )) { 
    SREG = sreg; 
    cli (); 
  EEAR = (unsigned int)ptr; 
  EEDR = val; 
  EECR |= ( 1 << EEMWE ); 
  EECR |= ( 1 << EEWE ); 
  SREG = sreg; 

void eeprom_wr_word (unsigned int const * ptr, unsigned int val)
  unsigned int uiTmp = (unsigned int)ptr;
  byte bH = (val >> 8) & 0xFF;
  byte bL = val & 0xFF;
  eeprom_wr_byte ((unsigned int *)uiTmp, bL);
  eeprom_wr_byte ((unsigned int *)uiTmp, bH);