LumiNet (based on attiny84)

In order to get the attiny84 chip running with the Arduino IDE, some modifications must be made to the source code of the IDE. After this, the IDE has to be recompiled of course.

Based on revision 557 (from March 7th, 2009 - which is Arduino0014), I created a patch that contains the following changes:

  • Compile .S assembler files in the target directory. Should also work with assembler files in the sketch directory, but this was not tested. Important: use a capital S as your file extension!(Changes in Complier.Java and
  • Burn bootloader using STRG+B shortcut. Select the ISP programmer in the Tools->Burn Bootloader menu and this programmer will be remembered until you change it. (Changes in
  • Sketches for cores that are based on attiny chips will get uploaded (Changes in
  • Programming by infection - the upload mechanism using the LumiNet bootloader - is supported (Changes in and new source:
  • youboardname.upload.protocol=stk500v2 in boards.txt made some trouble here with an original stk500v2 board, fixed this issue (

The patch can be found here:
(sorry, wrong patch until 09.03.2009 19:03 MEZ)