Plastico domotica

Ciao a tutti, sto finendo l'ultimo anno di superiori in un tecnico elettronico e per la tesina volevo portare un progetto di casa domotica gestito con arduino via remoto con la ethernet shield. Volevo sapere cosa mi consigliate per il modellino di casa domotica, misure da utilizzare e materiale di impiegare.
Per quanto riguarda l'interno io volevo fare 3/4 stanze in cui una controllo temperatura con ventola di raffreddamento, una allarme antifurto e un'altra con illuminazione crepuscolare e volevo sapere che componenti utilizzare per fare queste cose. Ciao e grazie a tutti per eventuali risposte

moderator: Please rephrase you question in English on the international part of the forum..

Hello everyone, I'm finishing the last year of high school in an electronic technician and for the term paper I wanted to bring a project of automated home run with Arduino remotely via the ethernet shield. I wanted to know what do you recommend for a model of home automation, and material measures to be used to employ.
As for the inside I wanted to do 3/4 rooms where temperature control with a cooling fan, a burglar alarm and another with twilight lighting and wanted to know which components to use to do these things. Hello and thank you all for any replies

Hi, Dagio,

I helped a friend of mine with a similar project.
We used a Lego house. (With double walls for wires)

Header pin connections so each floor could come of. We used Lego motors, lego lights to show that our system could interface with different "brands" of sensors.

He added a GSM shield so he could send text to turn on/off the light and the alarm.

Google it, there are a million projects out there. We sure got a lot of inspiration from the web.

Hello, first of all thanks for the reply, could you send similar links so I can better understand why until now not been able to find crabs

Just a few examples... Trust me there are a million more...