[SOLVED] ATmega328 on BreadBoard Bootloader Question

I am using the Tiny USB for now. I did use the header. The RST on the header of the ISP should be connected to the reset pin #1 on the ATmega328 on the breadboard correct?

I have done this and it fails every time!!

If I use the reset switch on the breadboard from pin # 1 and leave it depressed the entire time I burn a bootloader without any issues what so ever.

Ok so there is no reset pin on the right side of the ATmega328 so I connect RST from the ISP header to pin #1 right side of the ATmega328?

Doing it this way does not work for me and I cannot figure out why? MOSI/MISO/RST/SCK/Vcc and Gnd connections are done correctly but unless I have a reset switch on Pin #1 of the Atmega328 on the breadboard and don't depress the button the entire time it will fail!!