Micro controllers

im new to arduino & i've got 3 boards one has ATMEGA328 moicrocontroller and other two have ATMEGA8 AND ATMEGA 32 microcontrollers in it
so my question is :

  1. do atmega32 and atmega 8 supports atmega328 programs. :sweat_smile:
  2. the basic difference all three :.

Look at their datasheets.

Atmega8 & Atmega328 are similar 28 pin DIPs, 328 has more memory.

Atmega32 is more like Atmega1284, 40 pin DIP, 1284 has more memory.

Read the summary for other differences.

From where did you obtain these boards with the different chips?

Are they designed as Arduino-like, or what?

paul -- yup the design is like arduino uno

and what about the coding?? ... is there any difference about coding ??
i ve to make led cube.... for that which microcontroller is better anmega 8 or atmega 32 or both??

Coding is the same.
I'd say Atmega32 because you have more pins to play with.

ohhh!!! got it......thanks a ton :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

lets make some real stuff now ]:slight_smile: ]:slight_smile: ]:smiley: ]:smiley: