Building a CAN API for Arduino DUE

Thanks for your earlier support AdderD, and the continued development. I've got the Due happily taking data off a 1MHz bus with a DTA ECU and accelerometer spamming it.

CAN message received:
13036	0x2000	0x1EFF	Ext	8b	0 0 5C 0 14 0 12 0  
13042	0x498	0x1EFF	Std	8b	7F CD 7F 4F 88 34 80 7  
13049	0x2001	0x1EFF	Ext	8b	64 0 3 2 0 0 11 0  
13055	0x2002	0x1EFF	Ext	8b	2C 1 3C 0 79 0 0 0  
13061	0x2003	0x1EFF	Ext	8b	0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  
13067	0x2004	0x1EFF	Ext	8b	CD E 0 0 0 0 0 0  
13073	0x2005	0x1EFF	Ext	8b	0 0 0 0 1F 1 42 3

Working a treat. I don't suppose anyone knows if there's some industry standard for converting data put out by the ECU to something useable? I know our ECU has 6 data frames (0x2000-0x2005), each 8-byte with 2 bytes for each value (engine rpm, throttle position etc) but not sure if there's a standard way to turn this into something useable (0x5C00 doesn't mean much as an idle throttle position!) or if I'm going to have to ask the ECU manufacturer nicely to give us some help converting.