Need Help Combining EasyVR Sketch, MP3 Trigger and Arduino

The print statements is not related to my problem. My problem is that I need a digital pin to ground to trigger a sound on the MP3 Trigger. Then obviously go high to not trigger it more than once. As long as the pin is at ground, the sound loops.

So basically:

void setup(){
 int pin = 7 //the pin to trigger
digitalWrite(pin,HIGH);  //so it doesn't trigger until a voice command is given
void loop(){
 if (command == true)  //if I say this command, set this pin to ground
 digitalWrite(pin,LOW); //set pin to ground so it will trigger a sound on the MP3 Trigger
digitalWrite(pin,HIGH); //set pin high to make the sound only once instead of it looping.

The problem is that setting the pin low like this doesn't cause the MP3 trigger to do anything. I cannot remember how I got it to work yesterday, but I did get it to trigger properly, but the sound kept looping so I added digitalWrite(pin,HIGH) to stop it. When I do that it doesn't work at all. I even added a delay() of up to several seconds between digiatlWrite(pin,LOW) and digitalWrite(pin,HIGH) but it doesn't trigger.

I don't know, I guess I will have to keep tinkering.