Tools > Serial Port greyed out

I'm a newbie...

Just got my first Arduino Uno, installed the environment and... Nothing...

The "Please read this before posting" says:

The easiest way to check if the drivers for your board are installed correctly is by opening the Tools > Serial Port menu in the Arduino software with the Arduino board connected to your computer. Additional menu items should appear relative to when you open the menu without the Arduino connected to your computer.

Trouble is that the Tools > Serial Port option is greyed-out so I have absolutely no idea what to do next...

The 'Plug & Play' recognised the 'New Hardware' as an Arduino Uno when I plugged it in but couldn't find the driver within the the folder listed in the 'Getting Started' pages...




Sorted - the answer was in the post below this one - it was the driver that was causing the issue. I needed to set the add new hardware to look in the Drivers folder NOT the Sub-Folder as I had read elsewhere...

Simple when you know how - I now have a working "Blink" - the world is my oyster...

Thanks to those who read it anyway
