string library ?

thanks for the links...
i'll start read it when our basicstamp's workshop will be finished.

I'm on mac.... i can download and install devtools... but had to configure the gcc compiler...
i'm not sure i'm able to do that :stuck_out_tongue:

I'm from north of france : near Lille.

For the lcd i've read the lcd datasheet and the timing and instruction for init are the same than in the tut...
(i've saw in the update info, that there was a bug with the milli instruction.... perhaps a starting point)
i've rapidly tested this morning the source with arduino003...
i've got a cursor but nothing on the screen.
need more time to test more seriously with new version.

and in the lcdtut, it's only for 8bits communication...
how to for the 4bits ?
(suppose init correctly the lcd in 4bits mode) and nothing more (use the first 4 pins data...) ?
