Code Problem.

Hello there,

English is bad, sorry

Where's the problem with the code?

#include <Serial.h> gives the error. I can not find this file. I tried to delete Serial.h, giving other errors.

ArtNetLED: 176: error: variable 'ipPage' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by '__attribute __ ((progmem))'

  char ipPage [] PROGMEM =


ArtNetLED: 201: error: variable 'artnetPage' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by '__attribute __ ((progmem))'

  char artnetPage [] PROGMEM =


ArtNetLED: 223: error: variable 'ledPage' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by '__attribute __ ((progmem))'

  char ledPage [] PROGMEM =

Share link and code below.

Thanks for help.

ArtNetLED.ino (11 KB)

'ipPage' must be const

Tells you all you need to know.

PROGMEM data must always be const.

Can you write as it should plase

Thank you

const char ipPage [] PROGMEM =


You try to edit this code, it gives different errors.

I'm very happy if you help.

You try to edit this code, it gives different errors.

Which code?
Which errors?

Please download and look at the code.

I set up all the libraries, except Serial.h only. I could not find this.

I'm on my phone - I can't see your code.

I set up all the libraries, except Serial.h only. I could not find this.

What has this got to do with making PROGMEM data "const"?

I made all of them const. but it did not happen again.

Please refer to the time you are available.

What did not happen again?

The expression to change has changed. I did not Const.

There's no Serial.h for you to include. HardwareSerial is where Serial lives and it's automatically included for you.

Please try downloading the code and compiling it.

I'm on a phone. Please post the code in code tags and the errors if you want help.